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Email Marketing Training Course

Email Marketing Training Center Ahmedabad

Scale your Career with Digital marketing

As the name suggests, email marketing involves sending marketing messages using email. When properly done, a personalized email marketing message can be a very actual marketing tool. This Advanced Email Marketing course will help participants learn email marketing strategies, including creating effective advertisements to promote products and services and manage your email marketing campaigns.


Digital Pundit Innovative Email Marketing Course highlights on advanced marketing strategies using emails and guides in creating operativeads to promote a product or service to build constancy, trust and create brand awareness.


Email marketing is one of the most effective and modified modes of improving the customer’s trust. Emails are used by almost everyone and direct E-mail marketing produces higher response rate and higher average order value for e-commerce business.

Email Marketing Training Course Include:

Content Marketing

How to get quality traffic to your website through email marketing.
Learn how to use email marketing tools like Mailchimp, Bronto.
Learn how to efficiently build an email list and email campaigns
How to Generate a higher number of email subscribers
In-depth knowledge of email Rules and Regulations
Use effective email marketing to get more traction by employing the latest strategies
Learn the art of sending mass emails to a selected group of recipients who are searching for the product you are selling.
How to make email marketing strategy as per the business requirement.


Classroom sessions with industry expert having 12+ years of experience.
100% Job Assistance
Program to work on Live Project.
Work on Industry Best Tools.
Advance Sessions to Keep Up with the new update.

Eligibility Criteria
Basic Command Over the internet, Any Graduate.